Apart from Dancing, I have always used the other skills I have such as public speaking, managing, organizing and event directing; in the past, I have organized programs, hosted shows, put together ideas, plotted goals and execution strategies and I have even written songs and plays for stage all through my role as a studio owner and choreographer and at some point in my life I always knew I would keep using these skills; However, never in my life have I ever considered going out of my industry completely to use these skills until now.

Yes! Mima is considering getting a different job, an unconventional one. For some, this not a big deal, but for me ( i mean the very extreme girl who has been driven solely by the passion for the creative and performing arts )it is; you see, I have always created work for myself, for the past 10 years I have done just that, whenever I needed something or had a problem I have always thought in the direction of solving a problem with my company but never in the direction of working for someone else that has nothing to do with the vision of my company. 

It Is a drastic change of thought and just thinking about it makes me scared. The thought had been at the back of my mind for so long and I had pushed it away for years. Now more than 100 days into this sick Pandemic, I think its finally sinking in that I have to become a different person if I must create a different future. 

Please note, in no way am I leaving my career in dance or business but one thing is for sure, I am officially opening up to the idea that I can be work fluid in various sectors.

So I am back to my drawing board and I am reinventing myself ...
I am ready to take more calculated risks and I am also ready to flip everything I know, I am ready to go into crazy partnerships that would change the course of life as I know it.
Most importantly I am opening parts of myself that I have always held back ( Hopefully my introverted nature will not mess that up😁 ).

This is something I believe everyone especially Artists should do, We need to evolve faster than the world is evolving. As artists, we are the creators of the future and we reflect the times and seasons and this is why we must be willing to be fluid, to be crazy, and to seek partnerships beyond the circles that we know and are used to...

Who can we collaborate with as artists? 
with Doctors? 
with Lawyers? 
with Scientists? 
with Inventors? 

and as Artists what are the skills in us other than our artistic medium 

 - Public speaking 
- Cooking?
- Photography? 
- Organizing
- Networking
- Copywriting e.t .c  

The needs of yesterday are no longer the needs of today, these days a whole industry can be substituted by just one app, I know we keep saying that nothing can replace the human connection but have we stopped to look at how the human mind is adapting fast in relating with technology every day? suddenly cyborgs and futuristic movies don't seem so futuristic any more thanks to the constant need for Artificial intelligence. 

So dear artist, don't get stuck in what use to be or what is, 
yesterday doesn't look like today and tomorrow wouldn't look like today and hence, it is important to market yourself for where you are going and not where you have been. Don't be afraid to explore.

Well, this is my thinking for today...let's see what tomorrow would hold. Stay tuned for more writing from Mima.

Share your comments and let me know how you are adapting to this once in a lifetime situation we are all experiencing and tell me the kind of Job you feel I would fit right into? 

Part 2: "Steps towards personal reinvention" comes out soon 
stay connected.


  1. This is great.. I'm seeing another side of me that I can invest in. Thanks to you and this article.
    #Ajayi Oluwaseun


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